Friday, 13 June 2014

Review - Real Techniques Miracle Complexion Sponge

I have purchased the real techniques miracle complexion sponge, which you can purchase here which is supposed to be a dupe for the beauty blender. I will be explaining how I like it and how easy it is to use.

**before, a dry sponge**

I forgot how fun sponges are to play with, especially damp ones so when I'm bored I find myself playing catch and using it as a stress ball because it's so fun and squishy. I am amazed on how it bounces back into shape, but that's what sponges are supposed to do.

This is £5.99 at boots, Superdrug and online; this is more than half the price of a beauty blender which is £16. As a little more than one quarter is flat you can use this to easily blend out anything in unusual places; such as your under eyes, nose or hairline, or for use of contouring. Whereas the bottom is useful for the forehead, cheeks or chin.

**after, a damp sponge**

To get the most out of the product you are using I would run the sponge under water to thicken it. This means you can cover a larger proportion of you face as it will expand. The only thing you must do is squeeze the sponge to get all the excess water out, so it won't be too watery and soak up all the product. You can use this to apply foundation, cream contouring or BB cream; I prefer to use the flat side, but you can use any part of it. 

Once you have completed your base with this it looks nice, I personally do not think this gives the flawless finish as that is very hard to get. I would recommend this for someone who wants a light to medium coverage, but which could be built up. Overall this is a great dupe for something on the pricier side and it is a small investment to your makeup collection.

I think these reviews on products are very useful as you can find out from an outsiders perspective on what a product is like. Just remember this may work different on you as I could have different skin or a different liking to products.

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